Snowy Trees

Snowy Trees

Merry Christmas

Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees

Snowy trees are one of nature’s most beautiful sights. Although that beauty can never be entirely captured in a cookie, it most definitely inspires the effort. An added bonus is that if you don’t quite match Mother Nature’s artistry, you can always eat your attempts and share them with a friend..or two or three.

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields that it kisses them so gently?” Lewis Carrol

To a certain extent, my tree cookie cutters themselves inspired this winter snowy tree theme. Each shape suggested to me the possibility of recreating the stillness that you find in a forest the morning after a snow storm. This time of year always makes me long for a white least in my imagination, if not in my front yard. Shoveling the walkway is never as appealing as munching on a “snow”-covered sugar cookie with a cup of hot chocolate.

Favorite Christmas Carols about Snow?
“Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.”
“White Christmas”
“Frosty the Snowman”


Cookie specifics

What I’ve learned...

These cookies were made with the best ingredients I could find and baked in a small batches of two dozen. I’ve experimented with less expensive ingredients, but have come to the conclusion that flavor is best when I use the best. Why spend all this time baking and decorating if taste and texture are just so-so? Decorating the cookies takes time, but it’s an enjoyable process for me and I know that those who receive them appreciate that. Life is just better when you can share something you love with someone you love. Don’t you agree?

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