Christmas Mittens

Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens
Christmas Mittens

Mittens vs. Gloves

I recently discovered that mittens are warmer than gloves. Apparently, mittens allow your fingers to snuggle together and provide warmth to each other. On the other hand, when you wear gloves, it’s each finger for itself. I also think that mitten cookies are easier to decorate than glove-shaped cookies. There’s nothing cuter than mittens, right? Gloves just can’t compete with mittens in the “cuteness” department. Think about it!

“Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather.” Brad Goreski

P.S. I may make glove cutout cookies at some point in the future. I always like a challenge and making a glove cute might be something I’m willing to tackle. However, finding a glove cookie cutter may be a problem...unless I’m willing to settle for a Micky Mouse hand. I’ll think about it while I eat a few more mitten cookies. Happy Christmas!

Fun Fact
More Olympic snowboarders wear mittens rather than fingered gloves during competition.

Read more about it on Popsugar


Cookie specifics

What I’ve learned...

These cookies were made with the best ingredients I could find and baked in a small batch of two dozen. I’ve experimented with less expensive ingredients, but have come to the conclusion that flavor is best when I use the best. Why spend all this time baking and decorating if taste and texture are just so-so? Decorating the cookies takes time, but it’s an enjoyable process for me and I know that those who receive them appreciate that. Life is just better when you can share something you love with someone you love. Don’t you agree?

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