Let’s Celebrate Easter

Happy Easter
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies
Easter Cookies

Easter came even though we were hidden away. Easter came even though there were no hymns to celebrate its arrival. Easter came in spite of the mandate to keep our distance. And to bring joy to me and mine, I made cutout cookies by the dozens in shapes that remind me of life’s glory and abundance ... butterflies, eggs, bunnies, crosses, flowers, sheep, carrots (yes, carrots!). In spite of the craziness of our current situation, I sent out dozens of cheerful sugar cookies as sweet messengers of hope to those I love.

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” Oscar Wilde

I wasn’t sure it if would be safe to mail homemade cookies this Easter so I asked a friend who is a registered nurse if it would be okay. She said there was no reason I couldn’t carry on my tradition because the coronavirus isn’t transmitted by food. Plus, the process of baking would kill anything on the food. I was thrilled and decided to bake away my anxiety and put a smile on the faces of my friends and family. I called it “Operation Easter Cookie” and it was a resounding success.

My sentiments exactly...
Life is sweeter with a sugar cookie in one hand
and a chocolate bunny in the other.


Cookie specifics

What I’ve learned...

I’ve always known that baking makes me happy. During this strange time of isolation, I have learned a lot of new things. For instance, I don’t need as much “stuff” as I have. I can read a good book in a few hours. It’s ok to stop reading a boring book. I do not like cat videos on YouTube. It is possible to burn a boiled egg, especially while you’re reading a good book. If you are out of several key ingredients, you should try a different recipe because too many substitutions result in an inedible blob. It’s possible to forget what day it is and still be content. My neighborhood is full of friendly people and a lot of them have dogs. Who knew? I’m ready to burst out of this cocoon I’ve been weaving. How about you? What have you learned?

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