Cotton Tail Bunny Cookies

cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies
cotton tail easter cookies

I couldn’t resist making these Cotton Tail Cookies for Easter. They are so simple and whimsical. Easter lends itself well to pastel colors, so that’s exactly what I used for the icing. Seeing them all in a row makes me smile. I just know that these cuties are about to embark on a great adventure.

“The start of something new brings the hope of something great.” Anonymous

Last year’s Easter celebration was very low-key for most of us as we celebrated it with only our immediate family. But when you are a cookie baker, you can share every holiday with all your special people no matter what mandates may be in place. How? Send them cookies. These little critters became my sweet ambassadors to friends and family across the country. As bunnies are wont to do, they propagated quickly and then went forth to carry my sugary greetings to one and all.

Mission Accomplished
Clever Nephew, Clever Bunnies

After my package of cookies arrived at my nephew’s house, he sent back a photo of the bunnies carefully positioned in his yard, looking like they were on a mission. It captured perfectly what I hoped my cookies would accomplish...the beginning and end of a great adventure!
[What an imaginative nephew! And one who also happens to be a very talented photographer.]


Cookie specifics

What I’ve learned...

Making and mailing decorated cookies to my friends and family is one of my passions. It’s a way for me to think of them while I'm baking and decorating and a way for them to know it when they receive the packages. I’ve never been very consistent at letter-writing (is anyone these days?), so sending “sugar” messages is my way of seeing in touch. I would bake every day if I had an outlet for all the things I could make. I enjoy experimenting and tweaking recipes until I have something that is perfect ... or at least perfect for my own taste buds. These Cotton Tail Bunny Cookies are no exception. They were made with the best ingredients I could find. I’ve experimented with less expensive ingredients, but have come to the conclusion that flavor is best when I use the best. Why spend all this time baking and decorating if taste and texture are just so-so? Decorating the cookies takes time, but it’s an enjoyable process for me and I know that those who receive them appreciate that. Life is just better when you can share something you love with someone you love. Don’t you agree?

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