
Lemon-Glazed Persimmon Bars

Persimmon Bars

This was Mom’s “go to” recipe for cookies to take to a party or have at home during the holidays. It’s a wonderful mixture of fall spices, dates, and nuts with a tart lemony glaze. I’ve had many requests for the recipe and my nephew asks for persimmon bars at Christmas time. Thanks, Mom, for a wonderful treat and for the great memories.

Gingerbread Tea Cookies

Gingerbread Tea Cookies

Most of my family already knows this about me so you might as well know it, too. I am not a tea drinker. The only teas that I like are herbal teas and even among those there are only a few that I will drink. However, if you invite a cookie to the tea party, well, I’m willing to drink the tea too. These Gingerbread Tea Cookies are the perfect companion to any tea, but my favorite pairing for these delicious cookies is Lemon Ginger Tea.

Chocolate-Dipped Snowflakes

Chocolate-dipped Snowflakes
“Happiness is a plate of chocolate snowflakes... and someone you love to help you eat them.” Kasha

I had some left-over ganache (both dark chocolate and white chocolate) so I decided to experiment with it and find out if dipping cookies in chocolate ganache would be successful. The dark chocolate ganache,which was 3:1 chocolate to cream ratio, worked perfectly and the dipped cookies set up nicely. The white chocolate ganache was more of a challenge, as it remained a bit sticky.

Leaves & Pumpkins Sandwich Cookies

Maple Leaf Sandwich Cookie

Leaves make the most appealing shapes for cutout cookies. And dark chocolate is an autumn-kind of flavor so leaf-shaped chocolate sandwich cookies is a brilliant idea. I filled the sandwich with a simple chocolate ganache and, voilà! ... a beautiful and irresistible cookie. But I warn you: it’s not possible to eat only one.

Beach Cookies

Showcase image: Sand dollars, Seahorses, Starfish, Shells

Summer means time at the beach...playing in the ocean, combing the shore for sea shells, burying your feet in the warm sand...ah-h-h. For me, baking and decorating “beach cookies” brings all that to mind. I wish you all a wonderful summer...even if it’s still December and there’s snow on the ground! A plate of beach cookies always brings summer into someone’s day.

Spring is in the Air

Spring Cookie Flower

This is my “ ’fess up” page. I made these cookies simply because I was experimenting with embossing on homemade fondant mixed with sculpting chocolate and I wanted to see what it would look like. The result was a lot of embossed flowers and squares.

“There ain’t no rules around here! We are tryin’ to accomplish somep’n!” Thomas Edison

When I was done with my experiment, I bagged up all the cookies and gave them to my sister. She has a knack for finding people who actually want to eat my experiments! She’s the best sister.

Fall Leaves and Pumpkins

Fall Leaves and Pumpkins

When the leaves start to change color, I can’t resist making Chocolate Cutout Cookies in the shapes of leaves, pumpkins, and acorns. Sometimes I’ll add a squirrel-shaped cookie to the batch if the squirrels haven’t been too pesty during the summer. If they’ve dug up all my potted plants and terrorized the birds I try to attract into my garden, well, then I refuse to give them any attention when it comes to making fall cookies.

Watermelon Cookies

Watermelon Cookies

When I saw these colorful watermelon cookies on Glorious Treats, I was inspired to give them a try. Growing up, our family was divided into two camps when it came to watermelon: the pro-watermelon camp and the anti-watermelon camp. At the beginning of summer, my Dad would bring home a huge watermelon and proceed to cut it up for all to share. He and two of my siblings would dig in with enthusiasm.